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Истражите најбоље потрепштине домаћинстава у Убуи Србији

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Find Premium Household Supplies for Every Need at Ubuy Serbia

A well-stocked home is a happy home. From basic household items to premium household supplies, Ubuy Serbia offers a vast selection of top-quality products to keep your space spotless. We have everything you need, whether you need household cleaning supplies, kitchenware, or home essentials.

Our collection includes globally recognised brands like Vileda, Glade, Seventh Generation, and more. With products designed for efficiency, keep your home fresh, clean, and organised.

Explore the Best Household Supplies for Every Home

Household supplies are essential for maintaining a clean, organised, and comfortable home. At Ubuy Serbia, you can shop for premium household supplies that cater to all your needs. Whether you're looking for household cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, dishwashing supplies or household carpet deodorisers, we offer a wide range of products from trusted brands. Keep your home spotless and functional with our collection of top-rated household products.


Furniture is essential to creating a functional and stylish living space. From comfortable sofas to sturdy tables and ergonomic chairs to carpets, the right furniture makes a huge difference. Brands like Swiffer offer cleaning supplies that complement furniture maintenance needs ensuring your living space remains comfortable and clean. Also, household carpet spot-cleaning sprays keep your carpet stains vanish frequently after parties. 


Appliances are the backbone of every home. They make daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, and washing easier. Shop for ovens, dishwashers, coffee makers, and water heaters from top brands. For adequate household cleaning supplies, try Lysol, offering solutions for keeping your appliances spotless and making them function correctly.


Electronics help you stay connected and make daily chores more efficient. Personal computers, printers, and home entertainment systems enhance your lifestyle. When maintaining your electronics, don’t forget the importance of household cleaning supplies like Oxiclean to clean gadgets and tech items without damage.


No home is complete without kitchenware, such as pots, pans, cutlery, and cups. These items are essential for preparing meals and serving them beautifully. Glade air fresheners keep your kitchen smelling fresh and welcoming, enhancing your cooking experience.


Linens such as bedding, towels, and blankets make your home comfortable and cosy. Quality household supplies like soft sheets and towels can significantly improve your comfort level. SeventhGeneration offers eco-friendly laundry supplies to care for your linens while being gentle with the environment.

Shop the Best Household Supply Brands Online

Finding the best household carpet cleaners ensures spotless, fresh-smelling carpets with minimal effort. With various options like carpet cleaner liquid, dry carpet cleaner, and carpet cleaner vacuum, choosing the right one matters. Compare top brands like Ecolab, Mohawk-Home, and The Diamond Life to find the perfect carpet cleaning solution for your needs.

Brand Name

Types of Household Supplies

What's Different

Who Is This For


Household cleaning tools

Known for durable cleaning equipment

Ideal for cleaning enthusiasts


Air fresheners, household cleaners

Fresh scents and air purifiers

For those who love fresh-smelling homes


Laundry supplies, cleaning supplies

Eco-friendly products for a greener home

For eco-conscious households


Household cleaners, stain removers

Powerful stain removal and cleaning formula

Great for deep cleaning tasks


Dishwashing supplies

Specialises in dishwashing tablets and gels

For effortless dishwashing


Cleaning tools, dusters, mops

Easy-to-use cleaning tools for every surface

Perfect for quick clean-ups

Често постављана питања о снабдевању домаћинстава

  • Где могу да купим залихе домаћинстава на мрежи у Србији?

    У Убуи можете да купите широк избор залиха домаћинстава у Србији. Нудимо висококвалитетне увозне залихе домаћинстава од врхунских брендова попут Виледе, Седме генерације и Цлорока. Уживајте у бешавном шопинг искуству са брзом испоруком и разноврсним врхунским залихама домаћинстава за сваку потребу.
  • Како могу да изаберем најбоље залихе у домаћинству?

    Размотрите специфичне потребе свог дома пре него што одаберете залихе у домаћинству. Свиффер нуди врхунска решења за залихе чишћења у домаћинству. Финисх пружа висококвалитетне производе за прање посуђа за кухињске потрепштине. Да ли су вам потребни основни предмети за домаћинство или врхунски материјал за домаћинство, истражите велику колекцију Убуиа да бисте пронашли савршену утакмицу за ваш дом.
  • Да ли су залихе домаћинстава доступне за међународно отпрему?

    Да! У Убуи Србији нудимо увезене залихе домаћинстава од врхунских светских брендова. Без обзира где се налазите, можете уживати у врхунским потрепштинама за чишћење домаћинстава, потрепштинама за веш и другим производима за свакодневну употребу. Купујте самоуверено, знајући да вам се лако испоручују најбољи међународни производи за домаћинство.
  • Да ли су доступне масовне куповине за домаћинство?

    Да! Ако вам требају основни предмети за домаћинство скупно, Убуи Србија нуди погодна решења за куће и предузећа. Набавите основне залихе домаћинстава од поузданих брендова попут Персила и Цлорока по ненадмашним ценама. Уживајте у исплативој куповини расутих производа за чишћење у домаћинству, кухињских потрепштина и још много у само неколико кликова.